Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

On average, Conservation Authorities plant more than 2M trees annually through their various tree planting programs and stewardship initiatives. This work helps to mitigate climate change by moderating the effects of drought and flooding, reducing soil erosion, reducing GHGs, sequestering carbon, providing habitat for wildlife, creating recreational opportunities, and providing an essential economic resource.

Meeting Schedule

The Board of Directors meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month at 1:00 PM at our Administrative Office. Meetings are open to the public.

2024 Agenda & Minutes

2023 Agenda & Minutes

Requests for prior year meeting agenda packages and minutes can be made by contacting [email protected] or 613-394-4829.

Delegations to a Lower Trent Conservation Board of Directors meeting

Members of the public are provided an avenue of communication by which to address the Authority on matters within the Authority’s mandate or interest by means of a delegation at Board of Directors meetings.

  • Delegations are to submit a written request to the CAO/Secretary-Treasurer at least ten (10) business days prior to a scheduled Board meeting if they wish to make a presentation, including business to be discussed, number of delegates, and other pertinent information.
  • Members of the public are to submit a written request to the CAO/ Secretary-Treasurer within four (4) business days prior to the scheduled Board meeting, should they wish to address or ask questions about items on the agenda, and must indicate the business to be discussed, number of delegates and other pertinent information.
  • Members of the public in attendance at the meeting that wish to discuss any item of business can be heard if approved by the majority vote of the Board.