Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

On average, Conservation Authorities plant more than 2M trees annually through their various tree planting programs and stewardship initiatives. This work helps to mitigate climate change by moderating the effects of drought and flooding, reducing soil erosion, reducing GHGs, sequestering carbon, providing habitat for wildlife, creating recreational opportunities, and providing an essential economic resource.


Low Water Response

Current Conditions:

Past Low Water Level Conditions:

Low rainfall and hot weather can result in low stream flows and low groundwater levels. This can affect the amount of water available for drinking water, agriculture and industry, as well as the health of the ecosystem. Lower Trent Conservation assists in the coordination and support of local response in the event of a drought. We monitor local water levels and precipitation closely and work with local water users to reduce demand and mitigate effects of water shortages, encouraging voluntary water conservation measures.The program is based on the Ontario Low Water Response Plan.

This Plan allows for Conservation Authorities to establish and coordinate a watershed based Water Response Team. This team consists of municipal, agriculture, industry and business, recreation and government representatives from the Lower Trent watershed region. The team assLow Water.JPGesses current precipitation and streamflow conditions in the watershed and responds in various ways to conserve our water resources.

The response could range from issuing communications that advocate water conservation practices to making recommendations to the Province concerning water allocations.

A watershed is considered to be in drought conditions if it is experiencing:

below normal levels of precipitation over an extended period of time

streamflows that are at a minimum required to sustain aquatic life

low water conditions that are causing socio-economic effects

The response plan outlines three levels of drought:



Level 1

Potential for water supply problems is identified (minor drought conditions).

Water users will be asked to voluntarily reduce their water consumption by 10%.

Level 2

Minor water supply issues are encountered. Potential for major supply problems (moderate drought conditions).

There is the potential for major supply problems. Water users will be asked to voluntarily reduce their water consumption by 20%.

Level 3

Supply no longer meets demand. Social & economic impacts are experienced (severe drought conditions).

Voluntary measures have not produced the necessary response.  Restrictions proposed by the Water Response Team may be put into action.

Low Water Resources