Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

More the 80 % of Ontario’s population receives their drinking water from a municipal drinking water system. Municipalities, Conservation Authorities, and Source Protection Authorities others play a strong role in ensuring that municipally treated drinking water is safe for our use.

Tree Planting

Landowners interested in planting trees on their properties have many options for sourcing trees and financing their stewardship projects.

What do you want to do?

Plant a few trees or shrubs: 

Plant lots of trees on 1 ha or more: 

  • Schedule a site visit with LTC staff  
  • Eligible projects receive significant cost-share funding from Forests Ontario 50 Million Tree program
  • Entire project, including professional tree plating and tending, is coordinated for you by LTC staff
  • Sign agreement 

Plant trees and shrubs to buffer a shoreline, or fill in forest gaps and connect fragmented woodlots: 

  • Schedule a site visit with LTC staff 
  • Take advantage of available grants  
  • Plant trees and shrubs yourself, or hire a professional
  • Sign agreement 

For more information or to schedule your site visit with Lower Trent Conservation, please call the office to speak to an appropriate staff member.