Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

In the past 100 years, anywhere from 200 to 500 terrestrial vertebrate species have gone extinct. This is at least 100 times greater than the natural rate of extinction. 40.7% of amphibian species are endangered or at risk of becoming endangered.


What is a vulnerable area?

Vulnerable areas are mapped locations near sources of drinking water that are sensitive to activities that could affect the quality and quantity of the drinking water. There are two types of vulnerable areas for drinking water; surface water which is known as an intake protection zone (IPZ) and groundwater which is known as a wellhead protection area (WHPA). These areas are also visually represented through Drinking Water Protection Zone signs, that are placed along any roadway to mark the vulnerable area boundaries and inform the public. Check out our interactive map to see if you are in a vulnerable area Interactive Map.

Wellhead Protection Area

Communities that acquire their drinking water sources from aquifers are within the Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA). The WHPA is the area that surrounds the wellhead where land-use activities have the potential to affect the quality of the water that flows into the well. WHPAs have four zomes, which are delineated using a variety of factors such as topography, the amount and rate of water pumped, the type of aquifer, the type of soil surrounding the well, and the direction and speed the groundwater travels.

Learn more here: What is a Wellhead Protection Zone

Intake Protection Zone

Communities that draw their drinking water sources from intakes that are within either lakes, streams or rivers are considered to be within the Intake Protection Zone (IPZ). The IPZ is divided up into three zones that surround the intake where both land and water use activities can impact the quality of the water that is drawn in by the intake. Factors that affect the size of these zones are the depth of the intake, the distance from shore, and how easily contaminants could reach the intake.

Learn More Here: What is an Intake Protection Zone

Vulnerability Scoring

Each specific zone within a WHPA or an IPZ also has an assigned vulnerability score. The purpose of these scores is to indicate how at risk the drinking water source is to contamination. High scores mean that contaminants could quickly reach the drinking water supply. Thus, the closer the zone is to the wellhead or the intake the higher the score.

Are you in a vulnerable area?

If you are not certain please visit the interactive map below found on the Trent Conservation Coalition website. Real Estate Agents are encouraged to search the address of their listing or contact a Risk Management Official (RMO) to determine if it is in a vulnerable area.