Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

More the 80 % of Ontario’s population receives their drinking water from a municipal drinking water system. Municipalities, Conservation Authorities, and Source Protection Authorities others play a strong role in ensuring that municipally treated drinking water is safe for our use.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors refers to the General Membership as set out in the Lower Trent Conservation Administrative By-Law No. 2023-01

Lower Trent Conservation is accountable to the residents of its watershed through its Board of Directors appointed by the elected councils of each member municipality. This accountability, combined with local decision making, is a key strength that Lower Trent Conservation draws on as it works with its partners to address the region’s environmental challenges.

The Lower Trent Conservation Board of Directors is comprised of 10 members representing the 7 municipalities located either entirely, or partly within the Lower Trent watershed region.

2025 Board of Directors

Gene Brahaney

Gene Brahaney
Trent Hills
[email protected]

Sherry Hamilton

Sherry Hamilton
[email protected]

Mike Ainsworth
[email protected]

Jeff Wheeldon
[email protected]

Bobbi Wright
[email protected]

Eric Sandford
Centre Hastings
[email protected]

Bob Mullin
[email protected]

Jim Alyea - Quinte West

Jim Alyea
Quinte West
[email protected]

Lynda Reid
Quinte West
[email protected]

Rick English
Trent Hills
[email protected]