Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

Collectively, Conservation Authorities own and protect a total of 150,000 hectares, including forests, wetlands, areas of natural and scientific interest, recreational lands, natural heritage and cultural sites, as well as, land for flood and erosion control.


In Honor, In Memory, In Celebration

Honour a family member, a friend, a colleague or simply celebrate someone special by placing a donation in their name. You can also donate as a gift for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and other special occasions. Remember, the gift of nature is truly a gift that gives back!

Give a gift of $25 or more and we will send a card of thanks confirming the gift to you, or the honoree(s). You’ll also receive a charity tax receipt.

Your special contribution will go towards our greatest need or to your choice of a specific Lower Trent Conservation program.

Lower Trent Memorial and Recognition Grove program

Lower Trent Conservation’s Memorial and Recognition Grove program has been developed to provide a meaningful way of expressing appreciation and/or honouring an individual (living or posthumously),
group, organization or business. Trees planted as part of Lower Trent Conservation’s Memorial and Recognition Grove Program will serve to honour and inspire for years to come. For more information please click here.

Here’s how you can give:

Donate online

To donate now CLICK HERE

Visit our office

Monday to Friday
(8:30 am to 4:30 pm)

714 Murray Street, Quinte West, north of Highway 401, off Wooler Road (CR 40).

Send a Cheque

Payable to Lower Trent Conservation

Lower Trent Conservation
714 Murray Street, RR#4
Trenton, Ontario K8V 1N0
