Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

More the 80 % of Ontario’s population receives their drinking water from a municipal drinking water system. Municipalities, Conservation Authorities, and Source Protection Authorities others play a strong role in ensuring that municipally treated drinking water is safe for our use.

Estate Planning, Legacy Giving

Planned gifts are popular because of the financial flexibility and tax benefits they provide. Your planned gift in support of our environmental and conservation initiatives is a powerful living legacy, which serves to protect and preserve the natural beauty and delicate ecosystems abundant in our region.

Popular ways of Planned Giving

  • Appreciated securities*
    A gift of stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other securities is an excellent and financially savvy way to support a cause you believe in. When you give us a gift of securities, the tax rate of capital gains is only 25%. For more information on gifts of shares, stock options, and other capital property visit the Canada Revenue Agency Website
  • Bequest in your will*
    Give a fixed amount. Donors may prefer to designate a percentage of their estate or donate the residual amount left in the estate after all other bequests are granted.
  • Annuities, Trusts*
    Charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts are also practical ways to give. Donors receive a charitable deduction when the gift is made and income throughout their lifetimes. The remainder goes to our organization in support of important environmental initiatives upon the donor’s passing.
  • Life Insurance and Beneficiary designations*
    Donors may make a significant deferred gift by designating our organization as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan. There are many ways to give through life insurance and retirement plans, some of which may have benefits to donors.
  • Land Donations*
    A gift of land may be welcomed by Lower Trent Conservation. Our Conservation Lands are for public use and enjoyment, and for conservation purposes. They are special places that are protected from development, where the natural world comes first. They are living examples of the natural ecosystems that we strive to protect. Lower Trent Conservation, through the criteria set out in its Conservation Lands Strategy, accepts donations of lands that contribute to its vision and goals.

If you are interested in discussing the possibility of making a planned gift please contact:

Phone: (613) 394-4829
E-mail: [email protected]

*We strongly encourage our donors, and potential donors, to seek independent and professional advice when executing gifts of securities, property, life insurance, charitable gift annuities, bequests, trusts, contracts and other legal agreements.