Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

In the past 100 years, anywhere from 200 to 500 terrestrial vertebrate species have gone extinct. This is at least 100 times greater than the natural rate of extinction. 40.7% of amphibian species are endangered or at risk of becoming endangered.

Lower Trent Conservation News

Conservation Lands and Areas Strategy Survey

Lower Trent Conservation (LTC) is excited to announce the release of its draft Conservation Lands and Areas Strategy, and are inviting public input to shape the future of LTC conservation lands. From July 13th to September 6th, residents are encouraged to participate in an online survey to share their insights and perspectives. This strategy will guide LTC’s policies and priorities for managing their conservation lands. It outlines the objectives for the use and protection of these lands, identifies programs and services provided, and sets categories for land use based on activities and conservation goals.

To complete the survey please click here.