Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

On average, Conservation Authorities plant more than 2M trees annually through their various tree planting programs and stewardship initiatives. This work helps to mitigate climate change by moderating the effects of drought and flooding, reducing soil erosion, reducing GHGs, sequestering carbon, providing habitat for wildlife, creating recreational opportunities, and providing an essential economic resource.



Lower Trent Conservation (LTC) is governed by a 11-member Board of Directors, 10 members appointed by LTC’s seven municipal partners and an agricultural representative appointed by the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry. Our seven municipal partners are the Townships of Alnwick-Haldimand, Cramahe, Stirling-Rawdon and Centre Hastings, the Municipalities of Brighton and Trent Hills and the City of Quinte West.

Representation on the board is based on the population of each municipality. Board members are appointed for a four-year term, following each municipal election. Board members, through resolutions, approve LTC’s programs and policies, which staff are responsible for implementing.

This page meets the information requirements under O. Reg. 400/22 made under the Conservation Authorities Act.

Board of Directors – LTC – Board Members

Board of Directors – Agendas, Minutes, and Schedules

Municipal Agreements – Memorandums (Memoranda) of Understanding (MOUs)

Annual Auditor’s Report

LTC Fee Policy and Schedules


Board Documents