Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

In the past 100 years, anywhere from 200 to 500 terrestrial vertebrate species have gone extinct. This is at least 100 times greater than the natural rate of extinction. 40.7% of amphibian species are endangered or at risk of becoming endangered.


Watershed Strategies Reports and Mapping

A number of broad, long-term plans help to ensure that our watershed management program fulfills our vision of healthy watersheds.

Watershed / Sub Watershed Plans

The purpose of watershed planning is to achieve an ecosystem-based approach to environmental protection, water management, and land use planning. By identifying and classifying natural areas and systems requiring protection and delineating areas of natural hazards opportunities and constraints for development are identified, as well as opportunities to focus conservation and restoration initiatives.
Dead & York Creek Subwatershed Plan
Mayhew Creek State of the Watershed Report
South Sidney Watershed Plan

Natural Heritage Strategy

A natural heritage strategy is an integrated landscape approach to identification, protection and rehabilitation of natural areas in a planning region.  Natural features and linkages are mapped, along with potential corridors and opportunities for habitat rehabilitation.

Criteria are developed to identify significant habitats and recommendations developed to maintain ecosystem features and functions through municipal planning, private stewardship and habitat rehabilitation.
Campbellford/Seymour/Percy/Hastings-Quinte West-Belleville Natural Heritage Strategy

Shoreline Management Plans

Shoreline management combines knowledge and understanding of water impacts such as wave uprush, sediment movement, and flooding with land impacts such as drainage, slope stability, vegetation management, stewardship, and land use.  Shoreline management plans are developed to ensure that sound land use decisions are made that consider both land and water impacts and factors.  If not properly planned, shoreline development may result in property damage and potential risks to human life.  Poorly planned development may also adversely affect the natural environment.

Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan 2020
Reach 8 – Cobourg Harbour to Ogden Point
Reach 9Ogden Point to Presqu’ile Provincial Park
Reach 10 – Presqu’ile Point to Shoal Point
Reach 11 – Shoal Point to Wellers Bay
Reach 12 – Wellers Bay and Barrier Beach


Maps  1-7 Alnwick-Haldimand 
Maps  8 -15 Alnwick Haldimand
Maps 16 -24 Cramahe
Maps 25 – 32 Cramahe East / Brighton West
Maps 33 – 40 Brighton West
Maps 41 – 47 Brighton East
Maps 48 – 53 Brighton East
Maps 54 – 61 Quinte West
