Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

More the 80 % of Ontario’s population receives their drinking water from a municipal drinking water system. Municipalities, Conservation Authorities, and Source Protection Authorities others play a strong role in ensuring that municipally treated drinking water is safe for our use.


Risk Management Official / Inspector

RMO Contact Information: Lower Trent Conservation

E-mail: [email protected]
TEL: (613) – 394 – 3915 ext. 250
Office: 714 Murray Street, Trenton, K8V 0N1

Risk Management Official (RMO)

The primary responsibility of the RMO is to negotiate and establish Risk Management Plans (RMPs) with persons engaged in or who plan to engage in activity(ies) that have been identified as a significant drinking water threat(s). The purpose of these plans is to better manage and protect drinking water sources through implementing measures (i.e. best management practices) that prevent or lessen the drinking water threat. In addition, the RMO reviews any new development applications and/or planning or building permits that have been flagged by a municipality. This allows the RMO to identify if any proposed activity(ies) is subject to prohibition or requires an RMP.

Risk Management Inspector (RMI)

The RMI conducts inspections through site visits to ensure compliance with Part IV (Clean Water Act) policies established in the local Source Protection Plan (i.e. prohibition and RMPs). During a site visit the RMI can require those engaged in the activity to keep accurate records and display them to the RMI upon request. These records can include, manure applications, staff training, waste disposal, etc. The RMI can also collect data through sampling efforts (e.g. soil sampling for contamination).

Contacting a Risk Management Official

It is important to contact the RMO if you are currently engaging in or planning to engage in an activity within a vulnerable area that is considered a drinking water threat. The RMO will work with you to mitigate and eliminate drinking water threats through specified actions (e.g. Risk Management Plans, Education ad Outreach, etc.). Thus, if anything were to happen where a drinking water threat would pose a serious rick to municipal drinking water then specified actions would be in place to help protect everyone form contamination.

When to contact a Risk Management Official

A Notice from the RMO, will be required as part of a complete application to the Municipality for any application pertaining to a proposed development, including building permits, rezoning, minor variances, and plans of subdivisions within a vulnerable area. This review process ensures drinking water protection policies under the Source Protection Plan are adhered to. The notice from the RMO will identify if the activities related to development require an RMP or are prohibited.

Application Process: The Steps You Need

When completing an application to the Municipality it is important to remember these steps …

  1. Location: Identify if the activity you are engaging in or propose to engage in is located within a vulnerable area. 
  2. Drinking Water Threat: Determine if the activity you are engaging in or proposing to engage in is a drinking water threat. If you are having difficulty determining if the activity is a drinking water threat please contact the RMO.
  3. Section 59 Application: If you are in a vulnerable area and the activity you are engaging or proposing to engage in is a drinking water threat, please fill out the section 59 Application below.
  4. Wait: Once the application is submitted the RMO can review your application and decide the appropriate actions to take to ensure the protection of drinking water sources.

Link to section 59 application