Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

Collectively, Conservation Authorities own and protect a total of 150,000 hectares, including forests, wetlands, areas of natural and scientific interest, recreational lands, natural heritage and cultural sites, as well as, land for flood and erosion control.


Tri-County Children’s Water Festival

The Tri-County Water Festival is an annual event that motivates students in Grade 4 (including split 3/4 and 4/5 classes) to become water stewards in their homes, classroom and community. This youth environmental education program features over 30 interactive, hands-on learning activity centres, providing youth with opportunities to learn about our most precious natural resource – water!


Over 100 volunteers help make the Tri-County Water Festival a success each year! Volunteers run activity centres, assist with setup and teardown, and provide daily operation support during the festival.

Enthusiastic and knowledgeable volunteers are needed to assist with this event!

If you would like to be a part of the Tri-County Children’s Water Festival, register for our Volunteers for Conservation Program here.