Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

More the 80 % of Ontario’s population receives their drinking water from a municipal drinking water system. Municipalities, Conservation Authorities, and Source Protection Authorities others play a strong role in ensuring that municipally treated drinking water is safe for our use.


Contact Us

You can contact Lower Trent Conservation at the following: 

Phone: 613-394-4829

Fax: 613-394-5226

Mailing Address:  714 Murray Street, R.R. 1 Trenton, Ontario, K8V 0N1



(PROPERTY SPECIFIC INQUIRIES must be submitted through the Property Inquiry Service)

You can contact our staff directly by e-mail, or by dialing 613-394-3915 at the extension noted below. For an email address, add the person’s first and last names, separated by a DOT, to @ltc.on.ca. (Example: [email protected])

General Inquiries
Conservation Areas



Rhonda Bateman
CAO/Secretary-Treasurer Ext 212

Chitra Gowda
Manager, Corporate Services Ext 215

Corinne Ross
Communications Specialist Ext 216

Anna Morgan
Finance & Information Technician Ext 210

Jeffrey Meyer
GIS and Information Technology Specialist Ext 218


Chris McLeod
Conservation Lands Supervisor (613) 392-5073 / cell phone (613) 391-4117

John Mahoney
Conservation Lands Technician (613) 392-5073


Gage Comeau
Manager, Watershed Management, Planning and Regulations Ext 224

Ashley Anastasio (Maternity Leave)
Environmental Planner

Massimo Narini
Watershed Services Specialist Ext 252

Scott Robertson
Development Officer Ext 249

Amanda Dixon
Administrative and Client Services Technician Ext 247

Kim Stephens
Planning Ecologist Ext 238

Toby Farrell
Regulation and Enforcement Officer Ext 211

Anne Anderson
Manager, Community Outreach & Special Projects Ext 219

Nicholas Reynolds
Environmental Education Technician Ext 251

Marcus Rice
Risk Management Official/Inspector Ext 250




Sarah Midlane-Jones
Community Outreach Specialist Ext 214

Shan Mugalingam
Technical Specialist Ext 213

Environmental Stewardship Technician Ext 225


Keith Taylor
Source Protection Program Coordinator Ext 246

Trent Bos
Source Protection Program Technician Ext 245