Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

In the past 100 years, anywhere from 200 to 500 terrestrial vertebrate species have gone extinct. This is at least 100 times greater than the natural rate of extinction. 40.7% of amphibian species are endangered or at risk of becoming endangered.

Two people in Kayaks on a river


This area was purchased in three parcel in the early to mid 1970’s. Most of the area is marshland, with a drumlin on the western edge of the property and some rolling till plains. Keating-Hoards forms part of the Murray Marsh.

Your Conservation Areas

Natural Habitat Conservation Areas

Lower Trent Conservation owns and manages Natural Habitat areas. These areas are not promoted as recreational use areas. They are generally large tracts of land that remain in their natural state. There are no maintained trails or facilities but they are open to the public.

311.61 ha (770ac)
Located on, and adjacent to, Wilson Island in the municipalities of Trent Hills and Quinte West (west of Glen Ross)

Natural Habitat Areas

In addition to Conservation Areas, Lower Trent Conservation owns and manages Natural Habitat areas. These areas are not promoted as recreational use areas. They are generally large tracts of land that remain in their natural state. There are no maintained trails or facilities but they are open to the public.