Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

On average, Conservation Authorities plant more than 2M trees annually through their various tree planting programs and stewardship initiatives. This work helps to mitigate climate change by moderating the effects of drought and flooding, reducing soil erosion, reducing GHGs, sequestering carbon, providing habitat for wildlife, creating recreational opportunities, and providing an essential economic resource.

How You Can Help Protect Drinking Water Sources

How You Can Help

As everything is connected through the water cycle its important to remember that everyone lives downstream. The actions you take can have serious implications for the local water quantity and quality. Think of your neighbour and community members when it comes to protecting drinking water sources. In order to ensure a healthy supply of water now and into the future there are numerous steps landowners can take to protect drinking water sources.

Conserve Water

Household Yard
Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth.  Use a rain barrel to catch water from your eavestrough downspout and use this water to water your lawn or garden.  
Keep a jug of cold water in your fridge instead of running the tap until the water turns cold.  Detect and repair hoses and sprinklers outdoors.  
Use efficient showerheads, taps and toilets (i.e. low flow).  Plant native groundcover, plants and grasses that are heat and drought resistant, require less water and care, and are cheaper to maintain.  

Preserving Water Quality

  • Dispose of hazardous waste properly and take hazardous materials (e.g. paints, cleaners, engine oil) to the proper hazardous waste disposal facilities. Use drop cloths or tarps when using paints, driveway sealers or wood stain to prevent spills from leaking into the ground.
  • Be an avid recycler by recycling paper products, glass, metals and plastics. This cuts down on pollution and also reduces the amount of water we use. Manufacturing recycled paper uses 58% less water than making paper from virgin wood pulp. Making glass from recycled materials cuts water pollution by 50%.
  • Prevent pollutants from entering into runoff by reducing or eliminating the use of pesticides, fertilizers, sidewalk salts and by not over-watering your lawn.

Emergency Spill

In the event of an emergency spill please contact the Spills Action Centre
1-800-268-6060 (24 hrs).

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