Lower Trent Conservation
Did You Know?

On average, Conservation Authorities plant more than 2M trees annually through their various tree planting programs and stewardship initiatives. This work helps to mitigate climate change by moderating the effects of drought and flooding, reducing soil erosion, reducing GHGs, sequestering carbon, providing habitat for wildlife, creating recreational opportunities, and providing an essential economic resource.


Conservation Authorities Moraine Coalition

The Conservation Authorities Moraine Coalition was established in 2000.  The nine Conservation Authorities with watersheds extending onto the Oak Ridges Moraine came together to advance the science and understanding of the Moraine. Our mission is to work towards government, agency and community support for the conservation and protection of the form, function and linkages of the Oak Ridges Moraine.

The watershed boundaries of the nine independent conservation authorities – Central Lake Ontario, Credit Valley, Ganaraska Region, Kawartha, Lake Simcoe Region, Lower Trent, Nottawasaga Valley, Otonabee, Toronto and Region – collectively cover the entire moraine. Together the conservation authorities own more than 14,000 hectares of the Moraine. This makes them responsible for the largest and most strategically located tracts of land protecting the headwaters of the 65 river systems originating on the Moraine. These lands include Alderville Woods and Burnley Creek Natural Habitat Areas which are owned and managed by Lower Trent Conservation.

Rice Lake Plains Joint Initiative

The Rice Lake Plains is located in the most easterly part of the Oak Ridges Moraine.  This area contains globally rare tallgrass communities including prairies, savannas, barrens and oak woodlands which have become increasingly fragmented and otherwise threatened.

Lower Trent Conservation is a member of the Rice Lake Plains Joint Initiative which is a partnership of agencies and organizations interested promoting the long term sustainability of this important globally rare ecosystem. The long-term objectives of the Initiative are to:

  • Pursue a common vision for the preservation and enhancement of the natural features of Rice Lake Plains among the Parties and other agencies.
  • Increase awareness and understanding by the general public, landowners and others on the importance of the natural features of the Rice lake Plains and how people can have a positive effect on these features and functions.
  • Increase scientific research, data collection and distribution, and sharing of expertise.
  • Improve information flow to municipal and provincial planning processes.
  • Utilizing the well-established Alderville First Nation Black Oak Savanna and the Red Cloud Cemetery Prairie as models for partner activities in site restoration.
  • Increase opportunities for securement of key sites within the Rice Lake Plains.